ECEn 425 Schedule at a Glance
Fall 2019
Sept 2: Holiday   Sept 4: First class   Sept 6
Sept 9 Sept 10: HW 1 due Sept 11 Sept 12: Lab 1 due Sept 13
Sept 16 Sept 17: HW 2 due Sept 18 Sept 19: Lab 2 due Sept 20
Sept 23 Sept 24: HW 3 due Sept 25 Sept 26: Lab 3 due Sept 27
Sept 30 Oct 1: HW 4 due Oct 2 Oct 3:  Lab 4A due Oct 4
Oct 7 Oct 8: HW 5 due Oct 9 Oct 10: Lab 4B due Oct 11
Oct 14   Oct 16: Midterm #1   Oct 18
Oct 21 Oct 22: HW 6 due Oct 23 Oct 24: Lab 4C due Oct 25
Oct 28 Oct 29: HW 7 due Oct 30 Oct 31: Lab 4D due Nov 1
Nov 4 Nov 5: HW 8 due Nov 6 Nov 7: Lab 5 due Nov 8
Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 14: Lab 6 due Nov 15
Nov 18 Nov 19: HW 9 due Nov 20 Nov 21: Lab 7 due Nov 22
Nov 25 Nov 26 (Friday) Nov 27: no class Nov 28: Holiday Nov 29: Holiday
Dec 2   Dec 4: Midterm #2   Dec 6
Dec 9 Dec 10: Lab 8 due Dec 11: Last class   Dec 13: Exam Prep

Reading and Lecture Schedule

Note that initially posted versions of slides are from the previous semester. Slides may be revamped right up to (and even after) the class where they are used; updated versions will be posted set by set after our class discussions.

Links to articles describing case studies are included below in the assigned reading in square brackets. Read the assigned article(s) before class, and come prepared to discuss the article. (You are encouraged to bring a printed or electronic copy to class.) Note that links to some articles will work only from machines on campus, due to licensing restrictions. Read the articles carefully; some questions on exams will come from this material.

  Dates  Topics  Reading  Slides 

Wed  Sept 4  Course overview
Fri  Sept 6  Introduction to real-time systems Preface, Chapter 1 

Mon  Sept 9  8086 architecture 8086 lab webpages
Wed  Sept 11  8086 toolset, execution details Class tools webpages part I
Fri  Sept 13  Misc. hardware, C pointers Chapters 2 and 3

Mon  Sept 16  Interrupts 4.1
Wed  Sept 18  ISR essentials 4.2, Lab 3 webpage part II
Fri  Sept 20  The shared data problem 4.3

Mon  Sept 23  Interrupt latency 4.4
Wed  Sept 25  Software architectures Chapter 5 part III
Fri  Sept 27  RTOS functionality and structure 6.1

Mon  Sept 30  Scheduling, application functionality Lab 4 webpage
Wed  Oct 2  RTOS design issues I part IV
Fri  Oct 4  RTOS design issues II  

Mon  Oct 7  Reentrant code, shared data problem II 6.2
Wed  Oct 9  Semaphores I, Athens affair 6.3, [Athens Affair]
Fri  Oct 11  Semaphores II 6.3

Mon  Oct 14  Review, miscellaneous part V
Wed  Oct 16  Midterm #1
Fri  Oct 18  Lab 4 wrapup, misc.

Mon  Oct 21  Queues 7.1
Wed  Oct 23 Mailboxes, pipes, lab 5 Lab 5 webpages Lab 5
Fri  Oct 25  RTOS timing services 7.2

Mon  Oct 28  Events, memory management 7.3, 7.4
Wed  Oct 30  ISRs in an RTOS 7.5 part VI
Fri  Nov 1  Chapter 7 wrapup, high-frequency trading [HFT video, Schneider, Savani]

Mon  Nov 4  Electronic voting [Berghel, Epstein]
Wed  Nov 6 Lab 6 Lab 6 webpage Lab 6
Fri  Nov 8 RTOS application design issues I 8.1, [Lee]

Mon  Nov 11  RTOS application design issues II 8.2, [Leveson]
Wed  Nov 13  RTOS application design issues III 8.3
Fri  Nov 15  Lab 7, RTOS application design issues IV Lab 7 webpage, 8.4 Lab 7

Mon  Nov 18  Hard real-time systems, memory, power 8.5 to 8.7, [Barr] part VII
Wed Nov 20 Development tools 9.1, 9.2
Fri  Nov 22 Getting software to the target 9.3

Mon  Nov 25  Lab 8 Lab 8 webpage Lab 8
Tue  Nov 26  TBA

Mon  Dec 2  Testing, debugging 10.1 to 10.4 part VIII
Wed  Dec 4  Midterm #2
Fri  Dec 6  Software development I Chapter 11

Mon  Dec 9  Software development II [Stewart] part IX
Wed  Dec 11  Simptris results, class wrapup 

Thur  Dec 19  Final exam (7:00am, 240 CTB)